
What is Calvinism?

An Introduction to Reformed Theology

Calvinism in a general sense is most famously (or possibly infamously depending your leaning) known by the anachronism T.U.L.I.P., but it is a miss understanding to characterize the historic Christian Position by just those 5-Points, it is far more in depth than this…

There are many things that separate Reformed Christianity from mainstream or popular Christianity, a general and quick observation produces quite a list of Biblical Doctrines that are either ignored or even preached against:

The Five Sola’s:
1. Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone is our standard
2. Sola Fida – Saved by Faith Alone
3. Sola Christus – In Christ Alone
4. Sola Gratia – By Grace Alone
5. Sola Deo Gloria – To God Alone be the Glory
The fore mentioned TULIP
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
Christ Centered Worship
Christ Centered Worldview

The list could go on for quite sometime. There is also a score of criticism that could be fired at the mainstream/popular churches, but that is not the main thrust of this post.

Below is a list of excellent sermons to help you in your Christian walk and draw you into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord of the Universe, Jesus the Christ.

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